Gifties for my girls: Wizarding bags with their names on them, Slytherin pride stickers, Slytherin bookmarks, and floo powder (edible ;) )
MY Wizarding bag. It's covered up, but has my name and looks like theirs, only black. Filled with coffee, soak samples, CIRCUS PEANUTS!!!!!!! Dementor's Kiss candies, and a "Horcruxes Got Soul" bumper sticker
Closed shot of my handmade item. Wait... It gets COOLER!!!
Ta-da! It's a secret quill holder!!! Filled with quills of all colors!!!
"Snake in the Grass" sock yarn with the Nagini pattern (not photoed)
Owl Ribbon, which WILL find many more purposes, an Owl iron on, fridge magnets and stitch markers.
Ready for my close up, Mr deMille...